3rd Spark
Magic Milk: Creation
"In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through Him and without Him was made nothing that has been made. In Him was life and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness grasped it not. John 1:1-3" "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John 1:14"
Items you will need:
- a shallow container (a pie plate works well)
- a cup of whole milk
- a small container with a small amount of liquid dish soap
- two or three Q-tips
- red, blue, and yellow liquid food color
This lesson is such a great description of the dynamism of Creation. Try to memorize the above Scriptures from the book of John. When you put the milk in the pie pan recite this Scripture giving special emphasis on the word Word. You could talk about surface tension but I think it will be more appropriate in the next lesson whereas this lesson can be more effective just being about the power of the Word and God's word in Creation.
Tell them we are going to pretend this is the world and that God is just making the world.
Ask the children if they think God made the world and then just sat back and said, "There, now that is finished." Emphasize that God made the world but it is still changing, still being created and that we are part of that creation.
Drop three or four drops of red, blue and yellow food coloring in the middle of the pan of milk. The colors can almost touch but not quite. Remind them that these are primary colors and that every other color in the world can be made from red, blue and yellow.
Tell them to listen to the Scripture intently while you say it again. You could show them the sign language for the word, Word. (It is the G shape of your dominant hand touching your index finger of the other hand.) Tell the children that each time you say, word, they should sign it. After you say, "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us," tell them that it means Jesus came to dwell among us. It literally means He pitched his tent with us. He wants to live in us! And He does if we invite Him into our hearts, our lives.
So, "the Word, Jesus, became flesh and dwelt among us...when you say "dwelt" it is impressive to the children if you will simultaneously drop a bit of soap into the pan in the center of the colors.
Let them watch the colors for a little while.
You can remind the children of what we talked about with the balloon and how what we do to others is what we do to God. What we do for others is also what we do for God. What we do actually makes the world better or worse depending on what we do. The effect of our actions may not be obvious right away but the effect is real.
Notice how the colors pop up in various ways throughout the milk. "See, something is happening over here!" "And here!" It just keeps going. You might wan to tell older children about the ripple effect: the continuing and spreading results of an event or action.
The children enjoy watching the colors arrange themselves for a long time. You can mention several more times that our actions cause other actions. I don't think you should focus on the mean things they may do sometimes; just talk about how the good they do makes the world a better place.
Tell them we are going to pretend this is the world and that God is just making the world.
Ask the children if they think God made the world and then just sat back and said, "There, now that is finished." Emphasize that God made the world but it is still changing, still being created and that we are part of that creation.
Drop three or four drops of red, blue and yellow food coloring in the middle of the pan of milk. The colors can almost touch but not quite. Remind them that these are primary colors and that every other color in the world can be made from red, blue and yellow.
Tell them to listen to the Scripture intently while you say it again. You could show them the sign language for the word, Word. (It is the G shape of your dominant hand touching your index finger of the other hand.) Tell the children that each time you say, word, they should sign it. After you say, "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us," tell them that it means Jesus came to dwell among us. It literally means He pitched his tent with us. He wants to live in us! And He does if we invite Him into our hearts, our lives.
So, "the Word, Jesus, became flesh and dwelt among us...when you say "dwelt" it is impressive to the children if you will simultaneously drop a bit of soap into the pan in the center of the colors.
Let them watch the colors for a little while.
You can remind the children of what we talked about with the balloon and how what we do to others is what we do to God. What we do for others is also what we do for God. What we do actually makes the world better or worse depending on what we do. The effect of our actions may not be obvious right away but the effect is real.
Notice how the colors pop up in various ways throughout the milk. "See, something is happening over here!" "And here!" It just keeps going. You might wan to tell older children about the ripple effect: the continuing and spreading results of an event or action.
The children enjoy watching the colors arrange themselves for a long time. You can mention several more times that our actions cause other actions. I don't think you should focus on the mean things they may do sometimes; just talk about how the good they do makes the world a better place.
I can't tell you how long the ripples and magnificent colors pop up in various places. It has always outlasted my staying power!
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